Disney Television Animation
Disney television animation is an animation studio that is the tv animation production arm of the disney channels worldwide a division of walt disney television dedicated to creating developing and producing animated television series films specials and other projects.
Disney television animation. It was established in 1984 by then newly appointed disney ceo michael eisner who was convinced that outsourcing animation production could still result in a product that would meet the companys quality standards. Disney television animation dtva is an american animation studio that creates develops and produces animated television series films specials and other projects. Disney channel disney junior disney hulu more su. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us.
Disney television animation is an animation studio owned by the walt disney company. Jodi benson samuel e. Wright edan gross kenneth mars votes. Established in 1984 during the reorganization and subsequent re incorporation of the walt disney company.
The 1989 animated feature adapted by disney for television in a prequel that leads up to the events of the movie.