Android Image Animation Example
Generally the animations are useful when we want to notify users about the changes happening in our app such as new content loaded or new actions available etc.
Android image animation example. Start imageview image rotation animation on button click dynamically through coding. Animate views transparency 0 stands for completely transparent and 1 stand to complete visibly. Before to start i just want to tell you that what are the properties of a view we can animate easily. The animations will provide a better look and feel high quality user interface for our applications.
In android animations are used to change the appearance and behavior of the objects over a particular interval of time. The second animator in this example morphs the vector drawables path from one shape to another. The first animator in this example rotates the target group 360 degrees. Android has a quite a few classes to help you create animation with relative ease.
Objectanimator androidduration6000 androidpropertynamerotation androidvaluefrom0 androidvalueto360. Imageview image1 imageviewfindviewbyidridimageview1. Sometimes application developer need to implement simple image animation on android app mostly on child education and entertainment apps.